Gokujyou Doujinshi

Prince of Tennis
Future Projects
Terms of Use and Disclaimers

Welcome graphic

Hello! This is a continuation off of "Gokujou Doujinshi." If you didn't notice, the new site has an alternate spelling of "Gokujyou." . I added a "y."

In any case! This site&'s rather barren right now until we get more doujinshi translated.

So! I hope that you can manage to leave us some form of freed back? Because nothing says "Thank you!" like, well, a note. ^_^

So, yeah, we're working on a variety of Doujinshi now, instead of just Naruto things. Our first project is a Prince of Tennis doujinshi, so yay! :o) It's completely uploaded. Enjoy the doujinshi!


Site Birthday: June 25 at 9:30 in the morning.


May 11, 2006
Finished uploading "I Like Me When I'm With you" in the Tenipuri section. :) Project One: Complete!

May 1, 2006
I added more pages to "I like Me When I'm With You." We're up to page 14! Just a little more to go, now...Drop us a line in the Guestbook! We're eager to know what everyone thinks.

April 22, 2005
Have begun uploading "I Like Me when I'm with You" Tenipuri doujinshi. :)

See the LiveJournal Community Gokujyou_Relief for updates.

March 24, 2006
Created a "Future Projects" page to let you guys know what we're doing. One doujinshi is almost ready to be uploaded.

January 23, 2006.
New Member!
She might get us working faster. XD
Her name is Tara, so go check out the links for her site, and the "about us" for more on this lovely girl.

June 25, 2005
Links. Bios. This page...


Warning: doujinshi on this site may not be suitable for children under the age of 15.   Please understand that everything that is being showcased here has a Boy Love / Yaoi  / Homosexual theme, and some may contain explicit material. If you're uncomfortable with this, please go somewhere else.


Disclaimer: I do not own Kishimoto's "Naruto” All characters and related logos belong to Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, and TV Tokyo.

 I do not own Takeshi Konomi's "Prince of Tennis." All characters and logos etc belong to Takeshi Konomi, Viz Communications, Inc.,TV Tokyo and other copyright holders.

Furthermore, All scanlated doujinshi belong to their respective doujin circle. Do your best to support and respect these artists. We encourage buying the doujinshi for sale by the circles.